1915 On the 1st of April, the St. Andrew's Club was born, with the objective of fostering friendship and encouragement of healthy indoor and outdoor exercises.
On the 20th of January, Rev J. Romanis Lee spoke on the value of having an association during a general meeting and SAOBA was formed. Social gatherings and games were held, and a small library was provided, even though there was no official premises. The 1st president was Mr Tan Swee Eng.
The Principal of St. Andrew's School offered part of the primary school to be used as the SAOBA premises which was then led by Dr Tan Soo Hock.
The first school magazine was started by Mr Jacob Ballas and the members of SAOBA could keep track of the happenings in St. Andrew's by paying a monthly subscription of just 50 cents
On 5th December, the AGM was held, with nearly 100 members present and a Management Committee was elected with Mr Tan Ah Huang as the President.
Dr Loh Poon Lip became the President. The Association played a key role in the promotion of cricket, Rugby, tennis and drama, with Mr Jacob Ballas playing Mark Anthony in a production of "Julius Caesar".
Mr C. H. Lim became the new President. Many documents of SAOBA were destroyed during the war and it had to begin anew. The OBA became active in looking after the families of many Old Boys who had died during the war or were missing in action.
In December, the Literary and Social Section of SAOBA put up the play "Lady Precious Stream", which played to full houses in mid December with 2 matinees and 3 night performances at the Victoria Theatre and was repeated from the 13-15 February 1947, as well as performing in Kuala Lumpur. A total of $24,000 was raised which was used for the China relief and SAOBA welfare projects. Mr Richard Lim was elected as the OBA representative in the Board of Governors in St. Andrew's School. OBA scholarships made their debut during this period as well.
Mr Robert Eu took over Presidency. The first Newsletter was produced, and SAOBA was active in the promotion of Rugby, hockey and tennis. Mr Ho Kok Kit became the first Asian to gain 5 Distinctions in Architecture in the Sydney Technical College and Dr B. H. Sheares, a Queen's Scholar, became the first Malayan Doctor to complete a Diploma at the College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
The 7th President of SAOBA, Mr Yap Kang Hoe was elected. The SAOBA Management Committee contributed $10,000 to the School Building Fund.
Mr Lim Koon Teck became the 8th President and he concentrated on raising funds for the School Building Project and on the promotion of sports among members of the OBA. "Lady Precious Stream" was hosted again by the SAOBA raising $15,615 for the School Building Fund.
Mr Aw Cheng Chye succeeded Mr Lim as President. He initiated a move to build a new Clubhouse and some donations were collected.
The 10th President, Mr Tan Ek Khoo was elected. The Welfare Section of SAOBA, led by Dr Andrew Leong and Dr Chan Swan Tong took part in the Potong Pasir Project, by providing first aid to the nearby residents. The Sports Section promoted cricket, soccer and Rugby.
A farewell function for Mr & Mrs Canon Adams was organised by SAOBA which was well attended.
Mr Jacob Ballas took over Presidency of SAOBA. Its membership rose to 526. Mr Goh Soo Toon retired as the Honorary Secretariat after 21 years of dedicated service to SAOBA.
Mr Jacob Ballas was succeeded by Mr Geoffery Abishganaden. SAOBA played an active role in the Centenary celebrations. Mr Richard C. H. Lim suggested the setting up of a Scholarship Fund.
The next President was Mr Henry S. S. Loo, who ensured that the SAOBA Scholarship Fund was firmly in place. Dr Chan Swan Tong as Chairman managed to collect $12,000 for the Fund.
Dr Arthur S. H. Lim became our 14th President.
Dr Phoon Wai On succeeded Dr Arthur Lim.
Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and his wife attended the SAOBA Annual Dinner in the Adams Quadrangle. A total of 1200 guests were present at the Dinner. SAOBA sponsored the formation of the Parents-Teachers Group with Mr Quek Cheng Choy as the first Chairman. Through its efforts, a Personal Accident Insurance Scheme was introduced for teachers and students. Badminton, table tennis and chess were also introduced in the SAOBA Games.
Mr Geoffery Abishganaden returned for a second tour as the SAOBA President.
Mr Lim Teck Seng became the 17th President, and during his tenure, the PTA and SAOBA worked on a common project to improve the layout of the congested School Canteen. The SAOBA promoted the Past vs Present Games with the addition of Lawn Tennis.
Mr Wilfred Anthonisz took over Presidency.
Mr Tan Tock Peng succeeded Mr Wilfred Anthonisz.
Mr Sonny E. H. Pung took over from Mr Tan Tock Peng.
Mr David Chelliah became the 21st President of SAOBA. The SAOBA played a key role in raising $2,000,000 needed for the new Secondary School. The SAOBA Management Committee saw the bigger version of St. Andrew's Educational Complex with the Secondary School across the river and the Junior College in Bishan New Town.
Mr Jonathan Chelliah became the Chairman of the Building Committee. The Secondary School moved into the Potong Pasir Complex. A number of Fundraising events were arranged under the Chairmanship of Mr. Koh Boon Hwee and Mr. Tan Soo Kiang.
Mr Jonathan Chelliah succeeded the late Mr David Chelliah.
St. Andrew's Sports and Recreation Centre was approved by the Board of Governors and the former RKS Adams Laboratory was converted into the SAOBA Club House through the hard work of Mr Teo Han Chua and Mr Fong Yeng See. It was officially declared open by the Bishop Moses Tay on 22nd September.
The 23rd President was Mr Yee Teck Peng. A Strategic Planning Sub-Committee was set up to improve the image of St. Andrew's Singapore as many Saints were sending their children to other schools rather than their Alma Mater. A Membership Sub-Committee was set up to increase the SAOBA Membership.
Mr Harry Elias became the 24th President.
The SAOBA Permanent Secretariat was set up on the 10th of May. Under the leadership of Mr. Harry Elias
as President and supported by his two Vice Presidents, namely Mr. Tony Heng and Mr. Donald Teo, the SAOBA embarked on the following projects:
a. SAOBA Membership Card and SAOBA Business Network
b. SAOBA newsletters on the Internet
c. St. Andrew's Rugby Development Plan 2001 and the Rugby Players get together
d. SAOBA Golf Tournament cum Family Day
e. SAOBA - SAJC Fusion Project
f. St. Andrew's Fun Fair 96 organised jointly by the SAOBA, PTA, our 3 Schools and the Church of Ascension
Mr. Tony Heng Boon Huat became the 25th President and he has carried on with many of the projects that he had a hand in while serving as the Vice President.
Mr. Goh Chong Chia became the 26th President of the SAOBA.
Mr Jimmy Phoon became the 27th President of the SAA.
Dr Woffles Wu became the 28th President of the SAA.
Mr Wong Ban Suan became the 29th President of the SAA.
Mr Ronnie Chen became the 30th President of the SAA.